Export sketch
Here's your sketch, formatted as text. Copy it to a device with support for Ethereum wallets to complete your submission.
Import sketch
You can draft your sketch on a device with no wallet support and import it here to finish your submission. Simply navigate to cryptosketches.com/create on the device, draw your sketch and tap "Export sketch data". The sketch is converted to text.
iOS and Android devices can use the Trust Wallet to interact with CryptoSketches — it's much simpler!
Paste the text into the field below:

Publish sketch
Your sketch will be published permanently to the Ethereum blockchain. It will be replicated digitally on Ethereum nodes all over the planet, and assigned uniquely to you as author and owner. You may trade your sketch at any time.
We have deliberately designed the CryptoSketches smart contract so that sketches cannot be altered or removed, but we do reserve the right to hide them on this website if reported as offensive.
By uploading your sketch you are also agreeing to the Terms of Use.
Your sketch is being submitted. It may take several minutes or longer for the block containing your sketch to be added to the Ethereum blockchain.
You'll be taken to your profile page when your sketch is ready.