Using iOS or Android? Open CryptoSketches in the Trust Wallet browser to sketch on your device!
This is your profile

Sketches you own and have created are shown below. New sketches and transfers may be delayed by processing times on the Ethereum network, so check back later if you think something's missing.

We're committed to transparency. You can inspect all pending and historical transactions for the CryptoSketches smart contract at

Link your Twitter account

While it's fine to use CryptoSketches with an anonymous Ethereum account, the sketches that you create and collect may be more valuable if others can identify who created them.

We offer a secure and easy way to do this. Use Twitter to log in to CryptoSketches once, and we'll remember that this Ethereum address is associated with your Twitter account. We'll show your Twitter name beside your Ethereum account address on sketch pages, and highlight that your sketches are by a verified artist in the gallery.

Verify with Twitter